expect a number of re-posts.
january 14
delight yourself in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart.
if we waited until God gave us what we wanted before deepening ourselves in Him, we probably wouldn't keep our word... because we're human and we are stupid sometimes.
[sometimes, the more we get, the less we really gain : sanctus real]
but God is not human and thus He is not stupid.
we remember the premise... and once we're in the center of God's will, maybe the desires of our heart will be for someone or something else... something greater than what we could've planned out for ourselves.
january 20
Jesus, You know the storages and file cabinets and crate-fulls of mess in my life, and You also know the little desires that i'd confess, keep silent, or maybe not say at all. and sometimes, You gift me with the things I never thought I sought, but found... and rejoiced. i love You, Jesus...
life is piercing and harsh, but Jesus has been wonderful nonetheless, and it would be unfair for me not to be nice to Him too...
january 31
God have mercy on our restless souls, because we become uneasy with the outcomes of things that contradict our original design... but show us Your blueprint that we may better understand ourselves and others...
and love us too-- because we may feel incomplete when the hearts of man fail us...
reading: 2005 xanga entries. yes, i said xanga.
listening: Jason Upton, "Come Up Here" from Faith
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