Monday, January 24, 2011


remember: when your wings are weak, and your spirits done, and you've flown as far as you can, you're halfway there.

- boron, the echidna, in legends of the guardians

i am spent.
i am weak.
i feel terribly alone.

He is the gust that pushes my frailness further
He is the rain that embraces and carries my tears
He is the lamp that illuminates the path beneath me
He is the path that steadies my swollen feat

He is the cloud that covers my sight from disillusion
He is the silence that tunes my heart to listen
He is the lightweight cloak, a welcomed burden
He is the chill that persuades me to cling to this burden

He is the night that envelops every distraction
He is the night that wakes my eyes to widen
He is the fog that asks me if I sincerely trust Him
He is the mist that settles when I whisper a yes.

He is the warmth in my hands when I yearn for His nearness
He is the poem I recite when I remember His face
He is the silence that listens to my heart as it's burning
He is the burning that aches in jealousy and zeal.

He is my lonesome journey, the small gate, the narrow road
He is the pulling on my conscience, the angst on my lips
He is the whispering breeze, the dancing leaves
the silence that asks me to  


and rest
within the mist

and to be quiet within my soul


currently listening: Jason Upton, Jacob's Dream
currently reading: Kahlil Gibran, Jesus the Son of Man

Sunday, January 2, 2011

on absolute brokenness... 2010 part 2.

lesson 1: aching, willing love.
lesson 2: brokenness.

absolute brokenness.  and not merely because of the circumstances surrounding me, but also perpetuated by Watchman Nee's book, The Release of the Spirit.  lessons are best seen in my post on Rebukes and Redefining Grace.

a broken and contrite heart, O God, You will not despise.

- Psalm 51:17

The first requirement in God's work is a pure, not a powerful spirit.  Those who neglect this, though their work may be done in power, will find it destroyed due to the lack of purity... Though they may truly possess the power of God, yet because their spirit is mixed, they are destroying what they build.... You are giving to men that which is of yourself while ministering God's Word.  The LORD's Name does not suffer because of your lack of life, but because of your flow of impurities.

- Watchman Nee

believe me.  ultra convicted.

but there is something about brokenness... it reminds me of Christ.  He was broken.. beautifully broken... and glorious.  i am weak.  so weak.  and it is then that He can be strong.


listened to: Misty Edwards, Fling Wide, and Olafur Arnalds, Found Songs