O Spirit, no one knows the thoughts of God besides You.
You search the deep things of YHWH, the deep things of the I AM,
the riddles, the rhymes, the profound mysteries.
You, O Spirit fathom the absolute, infinite, beloved King of Glory
And Christ has gifted You to me, O Spirit,
that You would dwell within me, that I may be Your resting place.
I am Your abiding place, and You are my promised Revelation.
And it is because of You, O Spirit, that I know Christ, I know God Almighty
It is because of You that I know Him personally, I know Him deeply,
I know Him intimately.
Deeply, deeply, deeply.
By You, I venture deeper in intimacy with Christ.
I am the Bride, and You are the engagement ring
I am the Bride, and You are the Spirit within me.
You are the holy echo of my spirit -
a heavenly echo resonating from the depths of my soul
You and I are the depths of the earth that call out to the depths of heaven
You and I are the fervent yearning, the unquenchable desire.
You and I desperately long for the Bridegroom
And You and I passionately cry, "Come, LORD Jesus, Come."
Currently Listening: to awesome anointed worshipers practicing for tomorrow's service.. I'm so wrecked by His love!
Currently Reading: I Cor 2.6-16, Eph 1.13-14, John 14.15-31, Rev 22.17
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