I was driving home and could not concentrate on the road - the sunset was like an unexpected gift from Adonai - it left me awestruck by His glory. So once I got home, I snapped this from our kitchen window, and had a sudden realization that I am in the right place at the right time... (but we shall save that for later!)
A simple, unassuming sticky note,
Posted on the doorway to Beyond;
He has handwritten with affection,
"I am fond of you."
But If this is a note, I must read His novels!
If this is a sketch, I must see His calligraphy!
If this is vernacular, I must hear His poetry!
If this is simplicity, I long for intricacies!
If these are fingerprints, what of touch and feelings?
If He is smiling, let us start laughing!
If He is moving, I want to start dancing!
If He is coming, I want Him arriving.
If this is beauty, I want to behold majesty.
If this is fondness, were He to lavish love on me -
Such a profound mystery:
He goes beyond all we ask or think
He is a Sentimental Author
with charm behind His intensity
Reading: A Severe Mercy, Sheldon Vanauken
I wrote something a few months back about how God has this special ways of dedication. I could having such a broken day and as Im lookin out the window..the sun's suddenly right in front of me..lookin so beautiful..or the birds flyin above me..& I just know that, that particular moment..was for me..He just makes it happen..just like someone could send you roses..It's pretty romantic..it's pretty sentimental of God..but if it's anything..its captivating.. Lovin it karen..ur a soul sista..